A wide range of data collected by the US Census Bureau are potentially available for research projects at the CCRDC. Click here for a current list provided by the Center for Economic Studies.

There are four general categories of data on which qualified researchers may perform statistical analysis inside the secure data center.

  • Economic Data: Censuses and surveys of business establishments and firms. With very few exceptions, no public use files exist for these surveys.
  • Demographic Data: Censuses and surveys of households and individuals. Most of these datasets are released as public use files, but the versions in the secure RDC are not the public use versions. These restricted RDC versions include a more complete geography (in some cases down to the block). Also, items such as income are often not top coded. Individual identifiers such as name, address, and social security numbers have been removed.
  • Mixed Data: Includes the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) datasets. LEHD uses unemployment insurance records to match employer data with employee data.
  • Health Data: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) provide data through the CCRDC. Each agency has its own review and approval process. To learn more about these and other datasets available in the CCRDC, click here.

Every RDC project using Census data submits a working paper to the Center for Economic Studies Working Paper series, which you can view at the IDEAS website here

More information:

Pat Barnes (National Center for Health Statistics) presented at UCI on the uses of RDC health data. View video of her talk.